Caring for deciduous trees is not just a whim and a waste of money, it is an indispensable necessity. It must be a well-coordinated systematic work. Even a competition is held among the services engaged in such work. Therefore, Vote Best Tree Service in Knoxville.
- Specialists trim the excess shoots so that the crown has the correct shape and the tree looks neat. Workers use special pruners, the length of which allows reaching the top of the tree without damaging it. Dry, damaged and incorrectly growing branches are removed with their help. It is especially important to remove knots growing in the wrong direction. They can cause infection and disease. Forming pruning is carried out from a special ladder.
- In addition to pruning, trunk circles (plots of land in the immediate vicinity of the trunk) are weeded. The ground is loosened nearby, and if voids have formed in the ground, they are filled in; the soil is covered with a protective layer of compost, peat crumbs.
- Watering trees and bushes is one of the main types of seasonal plant care work. There are watering standards for different types. For example, lime trees and maples in warm and dry weather should receive about 120-150 liters of water per week, depending on the age of the tree and the degree of soil moisture.
- Trees and bushes are additionally fed with mineral and microbiological fertilizers. They enter the soil in liquid form: this allows saturating the plant with the necessary elements as quickly as possible. In addition, this method is absolutely safe for people and animals.
Work in the warm season for the care of trees and bushes is very important to prepare for future cold weather. Young trees do not die in the cold period if you take care of them during the warm season.